Thursday, January 01, 2015

Know The Intentions Of Your Coach

Our Coaching Intentions – Million Dollar Coaching Solutions
We enable people to rise above the “pea soup” of day-to-day life so that they are able to see things more clearly and, as a result, act powerfully.

We inspire, empower, and enable people to live deeply in the future, while at the same time acting boldly in the present and letting go of the anchors of the past.

We unleash the human spirit into action, setting ambitious goals and aspirations.

We assist people to get in touch with their highest values – the things that matter most to them and then we show them how to live out those values, in the choices of life, for maximum happiness.

We act as the coachee’s thinking partner to create new openings for possibility and action that were unknown to him/her.

We have proven accountability structures that ensure are clients are motivated and supported for breakthrough results.

We impact people’s vision and values in a way that is consistent with their highest human aspirations.

We choose to be inspiring over depressing.
We choose to be empowering over disempowering.
We choose to be enabling over crushing.

We challenge and support people to be extraordinary in their profession or calling.

We challenge and support people to achieve extraordinary levels of performance.

We are completely committed to the clients we are coaching.

We are engaging in conversations with people that leave them inspired, empowered, and enabled with respect to their concerns.

We leave people with new openings for possibility and action in areas where they are stuck and ineffective.

We support people to create and invent the future they desire rather than just trying to predict it.

We bring people into alignment with their highest human goals, dreams and aspirations and partner with them to make their goals, dreams and aspirations a reality.

We are vision builders and value shapers.

We focus on expanding people’s capacity to accomplish what they need to accomplish.

We have the ability to inspire people to declare an impossible future they passionately care about and to believe it is possible and then make it a reality.

We set the stage for breakthrough results and breakthroughs for people.

We look for new openings for possibility and action in places where people are stuck or ineffective. We acknowledge all breakdowns and provide what’s missing to make a difference.

We have a potent combination of toughness and compassion.

We listen for people’s greatness, see what is really possible for people and open people’s eyes so that they can see and believe in themselves.

We speak to penetrate illusions that get people in trouble.

We encourage people to stretch their minds and skills in pursuing results that are beyond and out of the ordinary.

We have a generosity of spirit to step back from our own preoccupations on the front lines and give someone the gift of our complete presence. Got a problem? Let’s talk about it.

We provide an environment for people to find themselves, their greatness, and their capacity to be extraordinary.

We stand for the future and the space or spirit of possibility, while shaping concrete goals and prompting concrete action.

We stand committed to people in the face of their breakdowns. (Not following through on key actions that have been promised.)

We never make people wrong, instead we return them to their commitments, address the breakdown in a matter of fact way and identify what’s missing that, if provided, can make a difference.

We only take on coaching engagements for a minimum of six months to one year and “coachee’s” need to pay me in advance. (This assures that there are no hidden agendas about continued work or money and we give 100% attention and honesty to my clients.)

We assist people in creating and realizing BHAG’S (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) in areas important to them, such as:

Personal growth
Love and relationships
Career and life purpose
Health and family
Wealth and prosperity

We help design a structure for fulfillment by acting as a thinking partner with the coachee and together we look at the question of what is missing to realize the vision and achieve the BHAGS?

We act as a cheerleader, partner, personal confidant, thinking partner, advisor and encourager. My clients feel free to talk about very personal matters that they cannot with others.