Thursday, March 12, 2015

Early Times Design Suggests It Is Possible To Kick Yourself In The Butt

What are you putting off? What steps are you not taking that if you did could move you towards living to your highest self? What's holding you back from your dreams? Are you stuck? Have you plateaued? What are you avoiding or procrastinating on doing today? What's an area of your life that you would like to see improvement in, but for some reason you are not getting the results you desire?

Human self motivation is truly the key to unlocking our potential. But the truth is that human beings are prone to taking the easiest route, or the path of least resistance, and we can lose momentum, procrastinate, stall or stumble... Sometimes we simply need someone who clearly understands our desires to kick us in the butt.

Mr. Joe W. Armstrong presented one option with his United States patent on a device that will finally deliver the promise of parents, teachers, and self-recriminators alike. Armstrong holds a United States patent for a, "User-Operated Amusement Apparatus for Kicking the User's Buttocks." That's right, for some reason that escapes me this guy thinks people would actually enjoy kicking their own butts for fun! The apparatus looks far more primitive than its 2001 patent date would suggest. Essentially, a simple hand pedal is connected underground to what looks like a windmill with a boot attached to each blade. When a user is in the mood for "fun," or is just feeling like a fool, they simply lean over, turn the pedal mechanism and voila: they can kick their own butt to their heart's content!

The trouble is that if we owned his machine, like our treadmills and other fitness equipment, we would most likly not use it when we needed it most, or it would be too painful. We could hang clothes on it like my wife does with our treadmill?

The other day I shared with a friend that I was speaking with my coach about needing more accountability in my life. He was surprised that I had a coach and he answered, "I thought you were a coach?" I responded that everyone needs a coach, including coaches and we don't need to be convinced of the value.

You see I don't often do everything that I want to do and I need my butt kicked occasionally by my coach who is most importantly for me someone who holds me accountable to doing what I say I am going to do. I often set my intentions with my coach and commit to a deadline that he monitors.

In my life I have tried everything else. I have bought thousands of books. I have studied self-motivation for years looking for the secret fix. I have participated in mastermind groups with like minded individuals. If the secret was there I would have it and it would be out on DVD for you to buy!

A good coach will help you to set an action plan, a course, and will monitor your progress every step of the way and hold you accoutable to your intentions when you stumble, lose focus, or fall off track. The result will be that you will see greater results and improvement in your life as I do personally.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

What Is Most Important To You?

When asked most people are not clear on what is most important to them and it would be very difficult to give a personal top ten list. Knowing your core values is one of the most valuable coaching exercises you can do for yourself. It gives you a filter to determine your best choices in multiple areas of your life. The more you live in alignment with your core values the happier and more satisifed you will be.

I offer this exercise as a gift and I welcome your thoughts and questions as you work through it.

Make it an Awesome Day!

Coach Rory

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Benefit From Business Coaching

Do you want to accelerate your success? Is it taking longer to reach your goals than you planned? Do you need a system to keep yourself accountable?

Million Dollar Coaching Solutions is what you need. Our Business Coaches work with BUSINESS OWNERS, PROFESSIONALS, ENTREPRENEURS, MANAGERS and CEO’s who want more from their business and their lives. Our business coaches are skilled to work with you on financial management, business development, creation and implementation of business systems, marketing, customer service and leadership skills. They offer you support and guidance. You will establish action plans, which will assist you in reaching your goals. Your Growth Success Business Coach will give you the tools to successfully grow your business.

How Coaching Relates to ConsultingBusiness coaching is a form of consulting. In a typical consulting relationship, the consultant is hired to solve a specific problem or create a result in a specific area of a business. In coaching, a business coach stays with the client and works to create the vision and identify goals for their business. Then the coach identifies the strategies and provides guidance and support through confidential, regularly scheduled coaching sessions to implement the plan and get the desired results.

Develop Vision and Achieve GoalsOur clients like the opportunity to be able to plan and reflect in a confidential, supportive environment. As business leaders and professionals, there may be times when you feel overwhelmed, like no one understands or everyone has their own interests to protect. We can be your objective sounding board. You can use the time to brainstorm and get feedback on your ideas. If you feel that you are running in a hundred different directions, we can help you develop systems and work with you so you are more focused and accountable. Creating systems allows you greater freedom to do what you want to do in your business and life.

How Business Coaching Works:Individual and Group coaching sessions available
Coaching is done through regularly scheduled telephone calls
Coaching calls are arranged for two hours each month.
Individual coaching sessions are offered monthly in one-120 minute, two-60 minute, or three-40 minute sessions. Group coaching sessions meet for one hour, twice a month. Groups are limited to 8 people with similar interests. You decide which is best for you.

Full Support Provided:
Call in from a comfortable, convenient location in your business or home.
Unlimited support through e-mail between coaching calls.
We work with clients all across North America.

Benefits of working with a MDCS Business Coach:Greater focus and accountability
Set and reach higher goals
Eliminate procrastination which holds you back
More time to do what you enjoy
Take control of your business rather than it controlling you
Reduce stress
Improved decision making skills
Increase efficiency and productivity

As a result of working with A Million Dollar Coaching Solutions Business Coach, your business will grow and will become more profitable. You will also have more time to do what you want with your business and life.

Contact us for pricing information and to schedule an appointment with a business coach. Click here to order Individual Coaching or Group Coaching.

Email us today.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Coaching Is For Everybody - Coaching Is For You!

I challenge you to name one person who could not benefit from having a Personal Success Coach in their corner? Today having a coach is viewed as a necessity and an advantage by entrepreneurs, CEO’s, businesses, athletes, celebrities, professionals and all sorts of people looking to live life by design and not by default.

Coaching benefits people who desire to grow and want to be their very best in all areas of their lives. To work with a coach is to acknowledge and make an investment in your most valuable asset - yourself. You have one life to live, why not make it the best that you can?

It is interesting how many people place greater importance on assets, such as cars, homes, clothing and belongings over their marriages, families, health or personal development. We invest more time, importance and energy into planning our vacations than into planning our lives?

We live in a society where advertisers or others tell us how we should live and we give up our health to gain our wealth and later in life we spend our wealth to try and regain our health?

Today more than 97% of the population do not passionately love what they do for a living? In our busy world people have lost touch with their own uniqueness, values and identities and many live in fear.

A coach is a trusted partner, a dedicated advocate and a driving catalyst towards forward movement, greater understanding, perspective, clarity and focus. A coach provides a safe and strong platform for discovery, accelerated living, learning and personal development. A coach is a confidant, without a personal agenda and is not there to judge but to support and encourage.

A coach works with clients for a myriad of reasons including to overcome challenges, to identify, set, prioritize and realize important goals and dreams, to move towards an impossible future, to find balance and meaning in life, to work through challenging transitions and change, to strategize, to formulate effective action plans, to initiate or facilitate breakthroughs, to provide much needed accountability and feedback and to listen and discuss private matters in complete confidence, that under normal circumstances a person would be reluctant to share with anyone.

A coaching relationship is a collaboration at the highest level. Life is full of important decisions. It is not easy to step out of the box, to break away from our comfort zones and televisions, or to move away from what appears safe and secure. Life is full of peaks, valleys and plateaus and a coach is a climbing partner, there to champion your unique mission in life, to ensure that you realize your full potential and to help you find what makes your heart sing - your passion in life.
For most people there is a significant gap between where they are and where they want to be and a coach is there to help you bridge that gap. If you don’t have a gap, you may be resting on a plateau, or sleeping on the sidelines of life, accepting less than you deserve or are capable of? A coach is there to expand your vision and to assist you in moving toward and realizing what is most important to you.

Some people may ask, “Do I really need a coach?” Perhaps a better question would be, “Do I deserve a coach?” or “How could I benefit from a coach?” Did Tiger Woods need a coach? Many would answer no, although he would beg to differ. Coaching took his game to the highest level, it went beyond dollars and was about being the best that he could be and frankly it worked and today no one can deny his dominance of the game.

Who doesn’t deserve to play the game of life at the highest level, to be happier and more fulfilled? There is absolutely no one in the world like you and there will never be another – Carpe Diem – Seize the day!

You owe yourself the opportunity of having a Success Coach on your personal team and I encourage you to call today to get started.

Committed to your success and happiness,

Coach Rory

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Commitment Begins With The Coach

Rory Sutter - A Commitment To Coaching Excellence
Completed more than 200 hours of professional Coach Training and personal Coaching from Erickson College on December 12, 2004.

Invited by North American leader Peak Potentials Training to Coach more than 700 participants in the Life Directions Seminar held in Vancouver in February 2006.

Achieved Professional Trainer Certification March 9, 2006.

Graduated from Coach University January 2007. Coach U is the leading global provider of coach training programs recognized by the International Coaching Federation.


The quotation by Winnie Hill exemplifies Rory’s passion for coaching, “Once you do something you love, you never have to work again.”
As a Coach, Rory brings all of his strengths, talents and abilities to the coaching relationship. He is known for his superior coaching skills, laser focus, attentative communication and an unwavering commitment to the best interests of his clients.

In his life Rory has founded several successful businesses in diverse industries and managed multiple offices for national conglomerates. He has served in a senior management capacity with one of Canada’s most successful real estate developers and worked for more than seven years with Colliers International, the leading commercial real estate investment firm in the world. He has broad life experience relevant to all facets of the coaching experience.

Rory is a perpetual student of business and a master strategist who understands the demands and complexities of today’s corporate environment. In addition, he has led major sales and marketing initiatives throughout North America and Asia and has a natural and dynamic gifting for sales, marketing and promotion.

His rich corporate experience and work with prominent industry leaders, combined with his love of business, has given him the gift of understanding different business models and relating to the unique needs of BUSINESS LEADERS, CEO’s and ENTREPRENEURS.
Through the years Rory’s greatest passion has always been in the field of motivation, self-improvement, goal development and human potential and he graduated as a NLP Practitioner, which is the study of language, belief systems and thought processes for peak performance, that was popularized by Tony Robbins.

Rory has an insatiable appetite for learning and is constantly seeking out the best tools and most effective strategies for rapid change and improvement.

Another side of Rory has been his passion for adventure, sports and the ocean. This included sailing, racing catamarans, windsurfing, parachuting, bungi jumping, scuba diving, Karate, tennis, running, mountain biking and hiking. Unfortunately, these were areas of his life that become unknowingly squeezed out as business and work life took precedence in later years.

In 1994, Rory realized that something significant was missing and although he had achieved success and recognition from his peers, he had unknowingly suppressed other important parts of his life that he truly valued, such as balance, happiness, challenge, freedom and adventure.

In his business he observed that many of his associates were very rich and successful on the outside, yet they had become prisoners of their position in life and unhappy on the inside; always wanting more, never being satisfied, and holding on tightly to all they had accumulated.

This led to a paradigm shift in his thinking, which raised many questions about what was truly important in life? What did he want? What did he love to do? How might he get it? How did he stop himself? What made his heart sing? What were the dreams of his youth he had forgotten?

He realized that his life was passing him by and he had lost perspective. He was unfulfilled in his work and living more in the future and missing the present. So he quit his job, put all of his belongings in storage, and pursued a lifelong dream to travel around the world.

During his journey he met his wife in Mexico and moved to France where he lived and studied French in Paris, recharged in the South, raced catamarans off the coast of Tunisia, visited his Grandfather’s village in Switzerland, mountain biked through the Austrian Alps and voyaged to several other countries including Australia.

Through the years Rory’s greatest passion has always been in the field of motivation, self-improvement, goal development and human potential and engineering. He graduated as a NLP Practitioner, which is the study of language, belief systems and thought processes for peak performance that was popularized by Tony Robbins. He has had a lifelong passion for studying, including from his personal library of more than 540 books.

He also knows what it is to struggle and deal with major life change when he was in a bad car accident that left him home for close to two years, unable to read or pursue the sports that he loved. In addition, through his own determination he took personal responsibility for his health and recovered from an “incurable illness” through a special dietary regime that he discovered and maintains to this day.

Most significantly, Rory has designed his own life around an important coaching principle, to do what he loves to do, as opposed to living to work, or measuring his success purely by wealth, assets and recognition.

Many people experience a struggle between the heart and the head, and very often people settle for what Rory calls either/or thinking and the “good enough syndrome". Often people choose money or security over happiness, family, freedom, or the pursuit of their dreams.

In life, Rory has achieved a level of financial security and has recognized that the “comfort zones” can be an equally dangerous place if you are resting there alone. He clearly is an individual who “walks the talk” in his own life and he is an inspiration to all whom he touches.

Before his death Michael Landon wrote the following:

“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.”Rory helps his clients to achieve the things that matter most to them and supports them to realize their highest potential and to let their light shine. He encourages them to play a bigger game, in all areas of their lives, and to enjoy the journey and not just waste it waiting for a destination in the future that always out distances us.

One of his favourite quotations is from Marianne Williamson,

“Our deepest fear is NOT that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Monday, January 05, 2015

What Is Coaching?

Coaching Gets Results - In Your Personal and Professional Life!

What is Coaching?

What an athletic coach does for your body, a Success Coach does for your soul. Success Coaching is a powerful one-on-one supportive relationship that will assist you in finding out what winning in life really means to you. A Coach provides the tools, structure and support necessary for you to design a life that has purpose and fulfillment.

Coaching works because the immediate focus is on what is most important for the client. The client's individual needs, values, beliefs, goals, visions and dreams are brought to the forefront. The coaches at Million Dollar Coaching Systems are trained to help you discover the answers, which are already in your possession, and then utilize them with purpose and clarity. In other words.... get results faster!

Top Five Things You Should Expect From Coaching

1. Make better decisions for yourself in all areas of your life, personal or professional.A coach's main responsibility is to support you in maintaining a clear focus. When your focus is clear, your decisions are clear and you are able to take action toward what you truly desire.

2. Create a balanced life that works.Having it all in the 21st century means starting with a life that is balanced between home, work and play. Working with a Coach brings clarity about what areas of your life are out of balance and provides the tools to bring these areas back into balance.
3. Make and keep more money. Most people are "worth more than they make". A Coach will help you design a winning financial strategy based upon your specific needs, goals and lifestyle.

4. Get more done in less time. By eliminating the principle "should have, would have, could have" you will become focused on what is really important in your life and have more energy. A coach will work on a plan to increase your productivity without suffering.

5. Feel better physically and emotionally.Recognize and eliminate any hidden life costs. Establish a reserve of time, money and love. By redesigning your lifestyle habits, you will experience an increase in vitality and energy!

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Know The Intentions Of Your Coach

Our Coaching Intentions – Million Dollar Coaching Solutions
We enable people to rise above the “pea soup” of day-to-day life so that they are able to see things more clearly and, as a result, act powerfully.

We inspire, empower, and enable people to live deeply in the future, while at the same time acting boldly in the present and letting go of the anchors of the past.

We unleash the human spirit into action, setting ambitious goals and aspirations.

We assist people to get in touch with their highest values – the things that matter most to them and then we show them how to live out those values, in the choices of life, for maximum happiness.

We act as the coachee’s thinking partner to create new openings for possibility and action that were unknown to him/her.

We have proven accountability structures that ensure are clients are motivated and supported for breakthrough results.

We impact people’s vision and values in a way that is consistent with their highest human aspirations.

We choose to be inspiring over depressing.
We choose to be empowering over disempowering.
We choose to be enabling over crushing.

We challenge and support people to be extraordinary in their profession or calling.

We challenge and support people to achieve extraordinary levels of performance.

We are completely committed to the clients we are coaching.

We are engaging in conversations with people that leave them inspired, empowered, and enabled with respect to their concerns.

We leave people with new openings for possibility and action in areas where they are stuck and ineffective.

We support people to create and invent the future they desire rather than just trying to predict it.

We bring people into alignment with their highest human goals, dreams and aspirations and partner with them to make their goals, dreams and aspirations a reality.

We are vision builders and value shapers.

We focus on expanding people’s capacity to accomplish what they need to accomplish.

We have the ability to inspire people to declare an impossible future they passionately care about and to believe it is possible and then make it a reality.

We set the stage for breakthrough results and breakthroughs for people.

We look for new openings for possibility and action in places where people are stuck or ineffective. We acknowledge all breakdowns and provide what’s missing to make a difference.

We have a potent combination of toughness and compassion.

We listen for people’s greatness, see what is really possible for people and open people’s eyes so that they can see and believe in themselves.

We speak to penetrate illusions that get people in trouble.

We encourage people to stretch their minds and skills in pursuing results that are beyond and out of the ordinary.

We have a generosity of spirit to step back from our own preoccupations on the front lines and give someone the gift of our complete presence. Got a problem? Let’s talk about it.

We provide an environment for people to find themselves, their greatness, and their capacity to be extraordinary.

We stand for the future and the space or spirit of possibility, while shaping concrete goals and prompting concrete action.

We stand committed to people in the face of their breakdowns. (Not following through on key actions that have been promised.)

We never make people wrong, instead we return them to their commitments, address the breakdown in a matter of fact way and identify what’s missing that, if provided, can make a difference.

We only take on coaching engagements for a minimum of six months to one year and “coachee’s” need to pay me in advance. (This assures that there are no hidden agendas about continued work or money and we give 100% attention and honesty to my clients.)

We assist people in creating and realizing BHAG’S (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) in areas important to them, such as:

Personal growth
Love and relationships
Career and life purpose
Health and family
Wealth and prosperity

We help design a structure for fulfillment by acting as a thinking partner with the coachee and together we look at the question of what is missing to realize the vision and achieve the BHAGS?

We act as a cheerleader, partner, personal confidant, thinking partner, advisor and encourager. My clients feel free to talk about very personal matters that they cannot with others.